Last month saw Solar ParAchute share his new track, "What Should I do", and the new offering is the third track in his five-track long EP titled "Among The Clouds".
With close to 30k monthly listeners on Spotify I'm rather surprised that this London-based singer-songwriter has gone under my radar for so long, as soon you will find out why too.
it sounds like Solar ParAchute is preparing for the big time based on this track alone.
The track for me is the cornerstone of the whole release, it's got a very cosmic intro with a tumbling synth tone rolled up in almost brit-pop sounding guitars as they're just so big. Vocally it's huge too, with tones and melodies that can carry themselves easily over a large field of festival punters.
The combination of electronic noises with classic grunge and hard-rock tones makes this track really stand out from his others, and it sounds like Solar ParAchute is preparing for the big time based on this track alone.