FAERYS reveals their debut tune, "Nova Scotia"

Hailing from Antarctica (according to their press release) FAERYS have today burst onto the scene with the revealing of their debut tune, "Nova Scotia". The track was also recorded via Austin, Berlin and Brixton giving that true transcontinental feel.

 It's the sheer thrill of the song that got me hooked by the time the track finished.  

The band members who wish to remain anonymous seem to be a collective of varying vocal tones and future rock legends. Indeed, the band even says that Foo Fighters and British rock-duo Royal Blood as two of their influences.

Mix in some electronic dance-rock to those crunching riffs and what you have is a track that the likes of Pendulum would be happy to call their own. It's the sheer thrill of the song that got me hooked by the time the track finished.