The amazing lot at Galaxy Thief have returned with their biggest tune yet, "Last Chance", and what a way to close out their 2023 campaign more than releasing one final banger.
A high-octane thrill of a song.
The new track literally starts off with an abundance of swagger in the form of the guitar, but as soon as the drums hit you it feels almost like a Nothing But Thieves track. Vocally they're one of the best in their region, but this song sounds like they could break that local scene and burst into the hearts of every rock fan in the UK (and beyond).
The chorus especially is punchier than Tyson Fury and goes at you like a bullet train, with it sounding like it was written as a set-closer (because why not end your set on a high octane thrill).
So yeah, Galaxy Thief, they've had one amazing year and based off this track I feel like the next 12 months could define them, just be sure to see them live while you can.