Sugar Wizard drops their massive new single, "I Lied"

 It's been a solid year for Sugar Wizard, first off was a single release and swiftly followed by their debut EP - "Drifting Mind" - in March. It's been a quiet few months but now the Lyon-based quartet are back with their sizzling new single, "I Lied".

"I Lied" easily sits up there with the very best English speaking songs to come out of France in recent years.

Being a French band there always is this stigma if you sing in English, but as Phoenix has proven it makes no difference, and "I Lied" easily sits up there with the very best English speaking songs to come out of France in recent years.

In almost a minute you have a warm guitar sound that brings back memories of the "Humbug" era of Arctic Monkeys mixed with some deep Brit-pop sounding vocal tones. The pace of the track is set up in such a way that you'll soon be heading into their previous singles, and trust me it'll be worth it.