Album Review... Benjamin Francis Leftwich - Last Smoke Before The Snowstorm

Benjamin Francis Leftwich’s debut album arrives with so much expectation from me. The opening track ‘Pictures’ is so gentle and quiet, but its melodics and acoustic guitar hold a breathtaking song in its midst. A record for late late nights and lonely afternoons perfect for crying into your pillow. This isn't a depressing record but is so beautiful that big things are sure to come from Benjamin. Soft guitar following soft guitar and hushed vocal stacked on hushed vocal, this is a nice gentle album for those summer days out on the lawn.

This is probably the best acoustic album I have heard in a long while, and yes I am even putting this record against 'Flaws' by Bombay Bicycle Club. This stomps (or lightly treads) on their whole album! 'Stole You Away' is my choice pick from the album, I've had this on loop at home for the past week whilst getting use to the album, and it wasn't a grower, it got me from the first beat to the last. The acoustic riff that captures you in the 2nd minute of the track is jaw dropping, so beautiful!

Out of 10: 8/10

Benjamin Francis Leftwich - Pictures by Mud Hut Digital

Benjamin Francis Leftwich - Pictures (Acoustic)