Gig Review... Crystal Fighters @ Shepherds Bush, London, 14th September 2011

This was the third time seeing Crystal Fighters, and second seeing them headline. With bigger venues every time I was really looking forward to this gig. With a slight technical hitch on Graeme's guitar amp - something to do with the lead between the guitar and amp - they were ready and raring to go.

With playing their hits in the first half of the set they really got the crowd bouncing along to everything they had to offer. 'Solar System' 'Swallow' 'Follow' and 'Champion Sound' opened the set and with these offering great sing-a-longs the band were feeding off the love by bringing out the girl that started it all and another one of their vocalists from the early days (I sadly do not know her name, but I do believe the other one was called Mimi), you can see the two girls in the early photo below.

Following on from the quick entrance of the early songs followed their slightly calmer songs, 'At Home' 'Plage' and B-Side 'Fiesta', the latter song was a surprise to me as I knew it existed but I never actually set my ears upon it. 'Plage' got the biggest response from the audience due to it...
"Being in an advert" - Sebastian
The song to get the biggest response (and will always do in London was...) 'I Love London' with all of the audience singing along, lasers going off everywhere, strobes going off on ever beat and a nice new alternative take on the way the band portrays the song with additional vocals in-between the bridges and choruses. Another song that they played slightly differently live is 'I Do This Everyday' with more of a drum and bass orientated take on what is a heavy song on the album.

I really enjoyed their performance and with support from Fixers - see here - this gig has to go down as a real pleaser!

Crystal Fighters - Fiesta by It's All Indie (Fred)