Bvrden share Americana tinted new song "Ballad Of A Daydreamer"

London based Bvrden have recently shared their Americana tinted new song "Ballad Of A Daydreamer", which is their second single following on from their anthemic debut "Dangerous". 
The duo has a solid fanbase in South and Central America and is looking to build upon their rise in 2020 with such tunes like this one.

"Ballad Of A Daydreamer" is a lot slower paced verses their debut cut, but offers more. The track starts off with an almost country-esque drumbeat mixed in with twanging guitar tones. The vocalist here clearly loves his American rock music as there's a distinct accent with roots possibly in early 00's punk-rock bands.

Even though it's a slow-paced track the duo once again showcases some delightful guitar work and vocal hooks, capturing the listener and ensuring that there's a second play from it. The choruses on "Ballad Of A Daydreamer" are very cinematic too with some soaring guitars and melodies lifting it up even more so.

Bvrden are looking to push on into 2021 with more tunes, so keep an eye out for them when they drop by following them on their socials.