Lazy Hunter reveals their new single, "Ritual"

Based out of Sheffield and Manchester are Lazy Hunter and the duo late last month revealed their new single, "Ritual". The new tune is their third outing of the year, and if you're not familiar with their music then the good news is the previous two cuts act as b-sides for this release.

Nothing but upbeat and bright indie-rock, get ready to fall in love with this band on the first play!

A synthy tone opens up proceedings before a more indie-rock tone washes over. I guess it's a mix of the chiming guitar tones, crisp percussion, and soaring vocals that makes me like this track within the first minute.

Indeed, the track is enriched with plenty of subtle hints as to what may influence them, from jangly moments you'd expect to hear in The Smiths to vocal hooks that sound cherry-picked from the best that Britpop had to offer to a guitar and backline structure that reminds me of peak Indie-Rock in 2008.